Ika Iti (Little Fish) “Learn to Train”

Coaches Aldona and Cara. Duration 30 and 45 minute sessions.

In this post-learn-to-swim program. Swimmers are introduced to swimming longer distances covering all swimming strokes as well as the use of a variety of equipment (provided).

The aim is for the swimmers to gain confidence in a deeper pool environment with water skills and safety being a high priority. The swimmers will learn to work in larger groups where fun and camaraderie is the key. This program only runs during the school terms and swimmers choose to swim once or twice per week and all are non-competitive.

Ika Nui (Big Fish) “Train to Train”

Junior program

Coaches Lucy, Elise, Adrian and Dylan. Duration 60 minutes

In this program the swimmers learn the concept of “squad training” with larger groups and slightly higher intensity training. Very suitable for fitness, waterpolo and the introduction to competitive swimming. The swimmers will be more challenged with skills, drills, turns and dive starts as well as swimming longer distances covering all swimming strokes and kick sets. The program is more balanced throughout the term and competitive swimming is encouraged with swimmers training up to 3 sessions per week. Competitive swimmers compete in regionals swimming events.

Development Programme “Train to Compete”

Coaches Adrian and Henk. Duration 60-90 minutes.

A step up from the junior group where swimmers have a better understanding of the concept of training and are more goal driven. Swimmers are introduced to a variety of training and test sets and learn to train in a competitive swimming environment. The swimmers will use more training aids and be introduced to AM and PM swimming sessions up to 5 sessions per week including school holidays. The competitive swimmers race in regional and provincial swimming events.

Ika Nui – Swimming Academy

A unique concept where all swimmers in the Ika Squads (Junior and Development) get together at least once a term for goal setting sessions, dry-land workouts, team work/challenges, swimming sessions, an activity away from the pool and finishing with a race event alongside other club members. The Academy is sponsored and therefore a free event for these swimmers (except for some activities) run by our coaches or senior swimmers and from time-to-time a guest coach. This is also great opportunity for parents to come along and witness these sessions and be introduced to the club culture.

Hammerheads “Train to Win”

Coach – Henk. Duration up to 2 hours

A competitive squad based on individual performances and personal goals. A well-balanced and sometimes individual program with a variety of intensities, increased mileage, and tests throughout the season. These committed swimmers train AM and PM sessions daily and from time to time use advanced drills and skill sets, training aids and more, all to race at a national competitive level.

Para Swimming Squad  “Winners”

Coaches – Kelly, Clare, Siobhan, Jason, Adrian and Henk

This is part of the clubs’ inclusive approach to swimming where we work closely with Parafed BOP, Hallberg, Swimming NZ and Para NZ aswell as other organisations to accommodate for the individual swimming needs of swimmers with disabilities. At least once a week these swimmers come together.

Masters, Fitness and Tri “The Warriors”

Coaches, Grant, Donal, Laurance and Henk

Fitness, Iron Man, Iron Māori, Xterra, Epic and open water swimming, Ocean Swim Series, Cook Straight, pool swimming champs and more. Every swimmer has a goal and we are more than happy to help them achieve that. A variety of training session from early morning, mid-morning or evening sessions are available. Open to all levels of swimming – equipment is provided.